
I think this blog is really about priorities.
If something is important to you - do it. What does it matter if other people may not agree.

When I decided to start this food forest on my small section - I just went for it. 
I didn't tell anyone of my plans - I just did it because I really wanted to do it. I looked at the grass and thought how ridiculous to spend so much time each week mowing when I could be growing food!
In the past when I had wanted to create a food forest - every obstacle came to mind. My lack of knowledge, the lack of manpower, my conceived idea that you had to have acres of land, and the uncertainty of what neighbours and friends would say. 
In permaculture you learn to create a solution out of every problem you come up against - in the garden and life.
So because of my desire and passion to make a success of this venture, I have managed to let go of a lot of old habits, beliefs, routines, and ideas that I once had.

I have loads of seeds germinating in the lounge.
I have mushrooms sprouting on one end of the bench, carrots pickling on the other, free range eggs strategically placed by date in an egg carton near the stove for ease of using, and sourdough bread rising and cooling.
My laptop has taken up residence on one end of the dinning room table with note paper and pen where I am constantly writing down information that I learn online from watching other peoples videos and doing my free permaculture course online. 
My husband has got his model making equipment down the other end of the table, and he can stop and start when he likes which means he doesn't have to pack up and re setup every time he wants to do some work on his models. There is still plenty of room for us to eat our meals at the table, so it is working.
I have books and magazines on the coffee table and couch that I can just pick up and digest bits as, and when I want to.
The garage as well as being set up as a play room for the grand-children, now has a trestle table up and adapted as my seed sowing area. 

Sourdough Bread cooling

Carrots pickling

Mushrooms sprouting - these are so good!!

My husband's CanCar model v8 engine in progress ( check out his website

Seeds sown and sprouting 
Potatoes chitting
Lemon slices dehydrating

I think age brings on changes to attitudes and habits. 
I am 60 now. 
Ancient!! - but I always remember my dear late mother saying to me in her late 80's that she still felt the same inside as when she did in her 20's. I can now appreciate so much what she meant. 
In the past I would NEVER let my house look like this. It was kept pretty tidy with things put away 'incase one gets visitors'. 
My attitude now is - So what?  This is my house ( and my husbands ) and if other people don't like what they see - well that is their problem. It is clean and safe. This is what matters to me. 

During lockdown I got 5 cubic meters of wood-chip mulch delivered to start my gardens.
I shovelled this into my wheelbarrow and pushed it to the back of the section. I moved the entire pile on my own and took me the best part of 2 days. The day after I was totally stuffed and I sure felt the muscles I had used! I don't think I did much that day - but got immense pleasure to look out and see the product of my hard work. 

The diminishing pile of mulch

I got another load of mulch delivered a few weeks after the first one and got my kids in to help. It was all done in half a day and I hardly shovelled at all. Thank you daughters and son - in laws!!
Way to go!
I am sure all my neighbours were wondering where all this was going as you can't see our back yard due to 6 foot timber fences all around lol I will be so happy to take them on an escorted tour come spring and summer.

I am learning to go with what I feel is right and true to my heart.
It feels good what I am doing.
I am satisfied. 
I am happy, and will be even happier when I can look out to all my hard work producing wonderful healthy food for us, and our extended families and friend's tables.

I look back on photos from before I began my journey to now and it makes me realise how far I have actually come - and will continue to look back with pleasure and pride that I took the plunge and went with my heart not my head.

So my philosophy on life - if it feels right, and if it feels good, then do it.


  1. My mum in her late 80s also said the same thing to me - how she still feels like a 20 something year old in her head! Keep up your good work.

    1. Hopefully we will feel like this too when we are in our 80's

  2. Last year age 69 we purchased 2 hilly acres - a livable house but happy hearts. After years of dreaming about having an orchard & food forest it is now becoming a reality . friends arrive & say - "this is not what we expected!! But we are so happy Live your dreams and to hell with what people think!!

    1. How cool is that what you have done!! Good for you! I would love to see some photos!!

  3. I planted 2 feijoas on the weekend, and today an apricot tree. I have cut down many trees(not me, a tree feller)but never planted. I feel great about this! Thrilled to be following your journey Jo, very inspirational!

  4. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I take it you are in NZ with the Feijoa trees? What area are you in?

  5. It sounds like you are growing a life you love, that is abundant and fulfilling. Wonderful!

    1. It certainly is Meg. Do you know something? I look forward to going to bed each evening so I can wake up and get out into the garden and see how many eggs the girls have laid. Hahahah


My Compost Makers

I am thinking of putting my 4 chooks onto my payroll. I feel they need to be reimbursed for all the hard work they do for me everyday!! They...